Martijn de Munnik
2010-12-09 12:53:15 UTC
We are migrating our webhosting platform from Solaris on I386 to OpenSolaris on SPARC. It seems our website work a lot faster on the I386 platform than on the SPARC platform. PHP seems to be the bottleneck and we believe it has something to do with the performance of PHP arrays. Our test script takes about 1.5s on I386 and about 4.5s on SPARC. The i386 is a Sun Fire V20z server, the SPARC is a Sun T5120 server. The test script is:
function getmicrotime($time)
list($usec,$sec)=explode(" ",$time);
return ((float)$usec+(float)$sec);
for($i=0; $i<1000000;$i++) {
$a[] = $i;
echo 'Duur van het uitvoeren: '.number_format($tijd*1000,5,',','.').' ms'.PHP_EOL;
foreach ($a as $i)
echo 'Duur van het uitvoeren: '.number_format($tijd*1000,5,',','.').' ms'.PHP_EOL;
I both used the PHP 5.2 from and compiled my own version of PHP 5.3. Almost identical results.
Any ideas?
We are migrating our webhosting platform from Solaris on I386 to OpenSolaris on SPARC. It seems our website work a lot faster on the I386 platform than on the SPARC platform. PHP seems to be the bottleneck and we believe it has something to do with the performance of PHP arrays. Our test script takes about 1.5s on I386 and about 4.5s on SPARC. The i386 is a Sun Fire V20z server, the SPARC is a Sun T5120 server. The test script is:
function getmicrotime($time)
list($usec,$sec)=explode(" ",$time);
return ((float)$usec+(float)$sec);
for($i=0; $i<1000000;$i++) {
$a[] = $i;
echo 'Duur van het uitvoeren: '.number_format($tijd*1000,5,',','.').' ms'.PHP_EOL;
foreach ($a as $i)
echo 'Duur van het uitvoeren: '.number_format($tijd*1000,5,',','.').' ms'.PHP_EOL;
I both used the PHP 5.2 from and compiled my own version of PHP 5.3. Almost identical results.
Any ideas?
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